Monday, August 27, 2012

Best Sales Tool Ever

You are your #1 Product 

Sell that product and you will have a booming business forever.

Appearance and Organization are important - from how you look, dress and speak,  your table display,  how you enter a room,  how you organize…'s all about making a good impression.  However......
How you feel about you will shine through all of that. You are responsible for the energy you bring into the room and how you make others feel. How do you feel about that product?

Who do you want to be in your business? What kind of energy do you want to bring to your party or meeting? 

How you feel about you plays a big role in your business. The good news is you have the power to change your belief's about you by getting to know yourself better. We can always benefit by learning and growing into who we really want to be through our business. Gaining awareness can bring you great success. 

In the mean time practice who you think you want to be and strive to come your #1 Best Product.

Thursday, August 9, 2012

Creating focus in Party Plan Success

What is the temperature of your business today?

Each day ask yourself a set of Questions to measure where you are.

Keeping a Journal will have great value in that measure. It is like taking the temperature of your feelings, your focus and what direction you are going. Two journals would be the best one for business and one for personal.  For now let's focus on business.  Here are a few questions to get you started.

How do I feel about my business today?

What feels Successful?

What one single action could I take for my business today to make me feel just a little better about it?

and Wouldn't it be nice if____________________.
Be easy on yourself; take no more than 5 minutes and move forward.

Asking yourself questions is a powerful habit to embrace; it gives clarity, purpose and sets our GPS.

Saturday, August 4, 2012

Welcome to Party Plan Success Coach

Party Plan Success Coach is for all those who are in Direct Sales or Party Plan Companies who are striving for Success. Here you will find tools to use to support you, encourage you and treasures to help you reach your desired Dreams.

It takes many many people and relationships to reach our desired success. Here you will find many coaches offering their passions to you, guiding you. 

Our Common Goal at Passion Party Plan Coach is your Success because we have all reached ours at some point striving to be where we are.  We want to share our knowledge with you to advance you in your passion.  We know what the outcome will be for you, that is why it's our passion.

Welcome!! We are so honored to be on this journey to your Success.